7)Fill in the correct preposition from the list around, towards, on, in, into, out of, for, along
1 they drove
the park; 2 the car was
fire; 3 they jumped
the car; 4 the lions
were ... it; 5 she shouted help; 6 he
came the road his jeep; 7 they ran
the jeep; 8 they thanked him
his help​

7)Fill in the correct preposition from the list around, towards, on, in, into, out of, for, along1 t

хюрем4 хюрем4    3   10.11.2020 23:50    149

Mashshka Mashshka  12.01.2024 15:36
1) they drove *around* the park;
Explanation: "Drove around" means to drive in a circular direction, in this case, around the park.

2) the car was *on* fire;
Explanation: "On fire" means that the car was burning or in flames.

3) they jumped *into* the car;
Explanation: "Jumped into" means to enter or get inside the car quickly.

4) the lions *were around* it;
Explanation: "Were around" means that the lions were located in the vicinity of the car, possibly surrounding it.

5) she shouted *for* help;
Explanation: "Shouted for" means that she called out or yelled in order to request or seek help.

6) he *came along* the road in his jeep;
Explanation: "Came along" means to proceed or move forward on the road in his jeep.

7) they ran *towards* the jeep;
Explanation: "Ran towards" means to move in the direction of the jeep, possibly with the intention of reaching it.

8) they thanked him *for* his help;
Explanation: "Thanked him for" means to express gratitude or appreciation towards him because of his help.
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