7 Complete the sentences with will, be going to or the present continuous form
of the verb in brackets.
1 I think I
(cook) pasta tonight.
2 We
(see) Adele live. Here
are our tickets.
3 Did you send the email? No, I
(send) it now.
4 "Tea or coffee?" "I
a cup of tea, please."
5 We
(meet) Ulan outside
the cinema at 7:30.
6 Look out! You
(fall) down.

7 Complete the sentences with will, be going to or the present continuous form of the verb in bracke

egoregorcherk egoregorcherk    2   15.12.2020 08:38    6

влаласт влаласт  14.01.2021 08:41

1. will cook 2. are going to see 3. am sending 4. will have 5. are going 6. are falling

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