7.6. заполните пропуски, используя слова: checking-out, appointment, collecting, flight schedules, difference, options, scheduled, travel arrangements, land. — good morning, how can i help you? what can i do for you? — good afternoon, sir. would it be possible to make some on behalf of my boss?
— certainly, madam. please have a seat. — well, on monday the 21st of march my boss mr taylor needs to be in paris. at 11 am he has an with a customer. i know it takes about three quarters of an hour to get to the customer's office. > — i see. so, mr taylor should in paris at around 10 am. at
the latest. at the airport, luggage, not to mention traffic. — yes, you're quite right. — would it be possible to catch an early morning flight at heathrow? — let me see. i have the here in front of me. early morning? i'm afraid the flight from london is only at 8 am. — that late? is there no
earlier flight to paris? — unfortunately not, madam. — i guess the only solution is to fly to paris on sunday evening then? — yes that's right. but look at it this way, catching the early morning flight on monday would have meant getting up as early as 4 am anyway. there's the one- with
continental time, the trip from birmingham, check-in time etc. — i suppose you're right. let's take a look at the for sunday evening.

SHTUJDLXP SHTUJDLXP    1   07.10.2019 10:50    345

SpiritAlice SpiritAlice  10.10.2020 01:24

1 travel arrangements

2 appointment

3 flight schedules

4 checking-out

5 difference

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