6) What museums are there in your town? Write about one you like. (Какие музеи есть в твоем городе? Выбери один и напиши о нём. Необходимо написать не менее 7 предложений.)Город Рязань

QueenMarceline QueenMarceline    1   16.05.2020 15:56    1

Haranmeu Haranmeu  16.05.2020 16:30

In Tambov there is the museum (an analogue of the famous Kunstkamera) -Museum of sin. it is located on Sovetskaya 93 street. In Museum of sin there is a collection of medical pathologies collected by the pathologist Yuri Kirillovich Schukin. He took the cadaver, most clearly illustrate the adverse consequences of human vices — alcoholism, drug addiction, Smoking, etc. 

As for me, i find this museum so interesting and informative. If I were you, i would definitely visit it.

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