6 Read another student's email and rewrite it in a more formal style. Use the phrases below to
help you. Add anything that's missing and cut any
irrelevant information.
• Dear Ms Cooper
• Finally,
• However, I am not sure which expedition would
be the most suitable for the
I am a keen musician and it might be fun to play
some music.
tam interested in taking partir
• I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
• I wonder if you could let me know how far
• Kind regards,
• Therefore, I would greatly appreciate it if you
• With regard to
Hi Clare, Dear Ms Cooper,

Hi Clare,
How's it going? Well, I hope.
I fancy doing something different so I was thinking of trying
one of your adventure holidays this summer.
There are two things I quite fancy doing: 'Mountain biking
from coast to coast' and 'Survival skills on the Isle of Skye,'
but I can't decide which one is more my cup of tea. So,
can you answer a few questions about them to help me
First off, the mountain biking trip. I kind of like cycling but
I'm worried I'm not fit enough. I could do with losing a kilo
or twoll So how far do we have to cycle every day and are
there a lot of steep hills? (Even though my name is Hill,
I prefer cycling where it's flat.)
Now, about the survival skills thing - it sounds cool but how
many people are there in each group, and what are the
sleeping arrangements?
Is it OK to bring pets? I've got the cutest little kitten and
I don't want to leave her.
Oh! One more thing, I'd like to bring my trumpet with me.
What do you reckon? I'm really into music and I could
knock out some tunes in the evenings.
Right, I'm off to the library now. Got an exam coming up
Write back soon, pls 'cause I really need to plan something
for my hols. Don't want to go to my grants again!!
Hope to CU this summer.
Bye 4 now.

ilnitskiy ilnitskiy    3   12.12.2021 14:37    8

agbelova agbelova  12.01.2024 12:50
Уважаемая мисс Купер,

Наконец-то я решился написать Вам, так как нашел интересное предложение по организации экспедиции. Однако, не могу определиться, какая экспедиция будет для меня наиболее подходящей. Я увлечен музыкой и думаю, что было бы весело сыграть некоторую музыку.

Я очень заинтересован в участии в экспедиции и хотел бы услышать от Вас сколько примерно мне придется ехать.

С уважением,
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