6 Complete the dialogue with one word in each space. Brian: I'm reading a book about the pyramids. Some people think they were made by spacemen Allson: I think so, too. People couldn't build things like that 5,000 years ago. Brian: That's 2 Alison: And all the pyramids face the same way. Brian: I don'tMAGK SO. 6 Alison: They do. I read about it. I think aliens came to Earth thousands of years ago. Steve: I'm I don't 5 Imean, what happened to them? Alison: my opinion, they went back to their planet. Brian: I think so, 7 There are paintings in Peru that look like spacecraft and ancient Mayan texts which talk about "Men who came from the stars'. How can you explain that? Steve; Well, I see you mean, I still don't believe it.