Октябрь- чудесное время! Это как середина между началом снегопадов и метелей и тем ярким, летним теплом! Октябрь - прекрасное время листопадов! Октябрь - вся страна покрашена в оранжевый цвет! Октябрь - это последние лучи тёплого солнца, и начало весёлым зимним играм в снежки, ангелам на снегу, простудам.
October is a wonderful time! It's like the middle between the beginning of snowfalls and blizzards and that bright, summer heat! October is a great time for leaf droppings! October - the whole country is painted in orange! October is the last rays of the warm sun, and the beginning of the merry winter games in snowballs, angels in the snow, colds.
October is a wonderful time! It's like the middle between the beginning of snowfalls and blizzards and that bright, summer heat! October is a great time for leaf droppings! October - the whole country is painted in orange! October is the last rays of the warm sun, and the beginning of the merry winter games in snowballs, angels in the snow, colds.