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Английский язык
5класс доклад на тему the animals
5класс доклад на тему the animals is in danger
2 13.07.2019 04:20
03.10.2020 02:32
People have lived on our planet for many years.
They lived and live on different continents, ondifferent countries.
People depend on theirplanet, on the sun, on animals and plants aroundthem.
Today let's read and speak about someanimals on our planet the Earth.
Many animals and birds on the Earth aredisappearing.
Many of them are in danger.
Indiantigers and African elephants are among them.
People have hunted and killed many tigers inIndia and a lot of elephants in Africa.
Why ?
Tigers and elephants are often dangerousanimals.
Tigers can kill cows, sheep, otherddomestic animals and sometimes they can alsokill man.
Some people are afraid of tigers and killthem to save their domestic animals and theirlives.
But some people have often hunted tigersfor fun and for their beautiful skin.
They caneasily sell the skin and get a lot of money as theprices are high.
The result is very sad.
There are few Indian tigersleft on the Earth now.
Many of them are old, sickanimals.
Most tigers don't hunt people nowadays, but hide from them in deep, dark forests.
Or they rather hid there earlier, because therearen't many forests for tigers nowedays.
Peoplehave cut down many trees.
And the question is: "Have those animals got a future?"
We can ask the same question about Africanelephants.
They are wonderful animals.
They canhelp man.
In the 19th century Africa was full ofelephants.
But these days there are not many ofthem except in African parks.
This is the sad story of Indian tigers and Africanelephants.
But many less dangerous wild animalsand birds are also disappearing from the Earth.
Modern life is bad for them.
The air is not fresh.
The water is not clean.
They dan't often havegood things to eat and space to live.
You can findtheir names in the Red Book.
You can find thenames of some fish there too.
People must take special care of them all.
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They lived and live on different continents, ondifferent countries.
People depend on theirplanet, on the sun, on animals and plants aroundthem.
Today let's read and speak about someanimals on our planet the Earth.
Many animals and birds on the Earth aredisappearing.
Many of them are in danger.
Indiantigers and African elephants are among them.
People have hunted and killed many tigers inIndia and a lot of elephants in Africa.
Why ?
Tigers and elephants are often dangerousanimals.
Tigers can kill cows, sheep, otherddomestic animals and sometimes they can alsokill man.
Some people are afraid of tigers and killthem to save their domestic animals and theirlives.
But some people have often hunted tigersfor fun and for their beautiful skin.
They caneasily sell the skin and get a lot of money as theprices are high.
The result is very sad.
There are few Indian tigersleft on the Earth now.
Many of them are old, sickanimals.
Most tigers don't hunt people nowadays, but hide from them in deep, dark forests.
Or they rather hid there earlier, because therearen't many forests for tigers nowedays.
Peoplehave cut down many trees.
And the question is: "Have those animals got a future?"
We can ask the same question about Africanelephants.
They are wonderful animals.
They canhelp man.
In the 19th century Africa was full ofelephants.
But these days there are not many ofthem except in African parks.
This is the sad story of Indian tigers and Africanelephants.
But many less dangerous wild animalsand birds are also disappearing from the Earth.
Modern life is bad for them.
The air is not fresh.
The water is not clean.
They dan't often havegood things to eat and space to live.
You can findtheir names in the Red Book.
You can find thenames of some fish there too.
People must take special care of them all.