5кл у меня сор Task 1 Read the text and choose the correct answer. Australia's Bunyip is a creature from an Aboriginal myth. It lives near rivers and lakes and eats people. There are different descriptions of the Bunyip. Some people say it has a large body with scales and tusks like a walrus. Other people say it is like a big snake with a horse's mane. You can see the Bunyip on some Australian stamps. There are many myths about magical horses. In Kazakhstan, there is the myth of the Kanatty. It has the body of a horse and the wings of a bird. Kanatties are very big and strong. They can fly really fast. They are good friends to people and often help them. There are two golden Kanatties on the national emblem of Kazakhstan. KAZAKHSTAN (Kanatty 1. The Buniyip eats fish. 2. The Bunyip has scarles. 3. The Bunyip is on some Australian money. 4. The Kanatty has the body of a bird. 5. Kanatties are small. 6. Kanatties are friendly.