5a Work in pairs. Read and put the parts of the text in order.
e.g. 1e
A Now the cap-seller knew that the monkeys did the same
things after him. So, he took his cap and threw it on the ground.

The monkeys came down one by one, took all the caps
from the cap-seller's basket and then climbed the tree
C When the cap-seller woke up, he did not see any caps in
the basket. But he saw the monkeys in the tree wearing them.
The cap-seller collected all the caps and put them
back into his basket. He went to the village happily
Once there was a cap-seller who sold beautiful caps. One hot day the
cap-seller was going to sell his caps in a village market. First he went to
the forest. He was carrying a basket full of red caps on his head. As it
was a hot day, he was tired and decided to have a rest under the tree.
The cap-seller was very angry and sad. He did not
know how to get his caps back. When the cap-seller
made an angry face, the monkeys also made the angry
face. He laughed at them, the monkeys also laughed.
G The monkeys saw it and
So, he put his basket on the ground
threw the caps on the ground
and slept under the tree for some time.
There were many monkeys in that tree,​

strebkov222 strebkov222    2   14.12.2020 19:17    13

Rarete Rarete  13.01.2021 19:21

1 A) ,2 G) ,3 B) ,4 C) , 5 F) ,6 A) ,7 D)

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