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ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ ЧТЕНИЯ. Это файл устаревшего формата. Чтобы внести в
него изменения, создайте копию файла в новом формате.
30 minutes
Task 2. Read the text and do the task below.
mass media
We live in the world of information. Mass media, that is the press, radio, television and the
Internet, play an important role in our society. They inform, educate, entertain and give us
any kinds of information. The press is one of the most powerful kinds of mass media.
Nowadays there are daily, weekly and monthly newspapers and magazines. Reading
newspapers every day we know what is happening in the world.
Television plays a big role in our society, too, Television gives a great opportunity for people
to learn latest news. There are also a lot of educational programs, children's programs, films
and soap operas on TV. Talk shows are also very popular with people nowadays. I usually
watch news and films on television. My mother likes soap operas, my father prefers sports
programs and political talk shows. My brother watches cartoons and educational programs. In
think that it is impossible to live without television now.
Radio is less popular than newspapers and television. People listen to the radio in cars and at
work. I usually listen to the radio when I do my homework because it helps me think. There
is a lot of music on modern radio and very few conversations. Every hour radio stations tell
us news in brief.
The Internet is the most expensive and the newest kind of mass media. The Internet is the
greatest source of information Almost everything can be found there. All main newspapers
and television companies have web-sites, so you can read news and watch television without
turning on a TV-set.
There are many pros and cons of mass media. The advantages are the following: mass media
educate and entertain people. But you need to have a TV-set to watch television, a radio set to
listen to the radio. To look for information in the Internet you will need a computer and the
Internet connection and they both cost a lot. Another disadvantage is that sometunes this or
that information is not reliable. The Internet is full of sites with wrong information.
But in spite of all disadvantages, people still watch TV, listen to the radio and use the
Match the definitions with the types of mass media.
I. It is not more popular kind ofmass media than TV and newspaper
a) internet
2. It gives opportunity to get the latest news
b) mass media
3. It informs, educutes, entertains and gives us information
4. Reading it we know what's happening in the world
5. The most expensive kind of mass media is
c) newspaper
d) radio
e) TV
Total [5]
Think of the last sport event in your school. Write an article for the school newspaper
describing this event.
Tips for writing
Give the title to the article
Name ofthe sport event
Date of the event
Participants of the event
Organizers of the event
Results of the event
Total [S]
Assessment criteria
Task | Descriptor
A learner chooses


54 6ce7a92ddb4740119d6f2a45ca900a77 - только для чтенияТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ ЧТЕНИЯ. Это файл устаревшего форма

вик193 вик193    3   08.12.2020 21:55    40

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