50 ! нужно перевести текст на . сергей александрович есенин – поэт, родился 21 сентября 1895 года в рязанской губернии. образование он получил местном земском училище, затем церковной школе. в 1913 году поступил в городской народный университет шанявского в москве. после публикации первых сборников в биографии сергея есенина получена известность. в 1918-1920 годах увлекается имажинизмом. в дальнейшем творчестве есенина критично были описаны российские лидеры. осенью 1925 года поэт женится. депрессия, алкогольная зависимость, давление властей послужило причиной того, что новая жена поместила сергея в психоневрологическую больницу. затем есенин бежал в ленинград. вскоре после этого наступила смерть есенина, его тело нашли повешенным в гостинице.

danilaandriyanov danilaandriyanov    2   02.10.2019 08:20    1

zoggvik13ouid1r zoggvik13ouid1r  03.05.2020 13:01

   Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin – a poet, born September 21, 1895 in the Ryazan province.

   He was educated at the local Zemstvo school, then at the Church school. In 1913 he entered the city people's University of Shanyavsky in Moscow. After the publication of the first collections in the biography of Sergei Yesenin gained fame.

   In 1918-1920 he was fond of imaginism. In the future work of Esenina very critical has been described by Russian leaders. In the autumn of 1925, the poet married. Depression, alcohol dependence, the pressure of the authorities was the reason that the new wife placed Sergei in a neuropsychiatric hospital. Then Yesenin fled to Leningrad. Soon after, Yesenin died and his body was found hanged in a hotel.

На здоровье : )

Новичок221112 Новичок221112  03.05.2020 13:01

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin - poet, born September 21, 1895 in the Ryazan province.

Education he received a local district school, then a church school. In 1913 he entered the city people's University Shanyavsky in Moscow. After the publication of the first collections in the biography of Sergei Yesenin, fame was gained.

In the years 1918-1920 is fond of imagism. In the future work of Yesenin, Russian leaders were described very critically. In the fall of 1925, the poet marries. Depression, alcohol addiction, pressure from the authorities caused the new wife to put Sergei in a psycho-neurological hospital. Then Yesenin fled to Leningrad. Soon after this, Yesenin died, his body was found hanging in a hotel.

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