5 Work in pairs. Do the questionnaire. Who's Afraid of Creepy-Crawlies? 1 You're sitting in your classroom and suddenly you see a cockroach. What do you do? a) I leave it - I'm not afraid of cockroaches. b) I run out of the classroom ... as quickly as possible! c) I kill it. Cockroaches are horrible! 2 You're in your bedroom and you see a big spider. What's your reaction? a) Fantastic! I can catch it and put it in my sister's bed! b) No reaction - spiders aren't dangerous, are they? c) I scream. Loudly! 3 You're walking in the mountains and you see a snake. Do you ... a) move away, quietly and slowly? b) feel paralysed with fear? c) take it home and keep it as a pet? 4 Your best friend has got a tarantula at home. What's your opinion? a) No problem. Tarantulas are good pets if you look after them well. b) Hmm. The tarantula is OK if it stays quietly in its box! c) Aaagh! Small spiders are bad but tarantulas are terrible! Scores 1 a) 1 b) 3 c)2 3 a) 1 b) 3 C) 2 2 a) 2 b) 1 C) 3 4 a) 1 b) 2 C) 3 4-5 You aren't afraid and you respect all kinds of animals. For you, all creatures are good - even creepy-crawlies! 6-9 Be careful with creepy-crawlies - they've got feelings too, you know! 10-12 Oh dear. Are you afraid to leave the house?! - -

5 Work in pairs. Do the questionnaire. Who's Afraid of Creepy-Crawlies? 1 You're sitting in your cla

Alinka24092006 Alinka24092006    1   15.01.2022 14:38    2

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