5 What about you? In pairs, give your opinion.
Use the comparative or superlative form of the
1 sport: mountain biking / basketball / walking
2 school subject: History / Maths / English (bad)
3 free-time activity: reading a book / watching TV/
playing computer games (boring)
4 family day out: going shopping / visiting a
theme park / going to the cinema (good)​

пончик123456798 пончик123456798    3   09.09.2020 00:45    4

helppppme helppppme  15.10.2020 19:08

1) Basketball is more exciting than walking. Mountain biking is the most exciting.

2) History is worse than English. Maths is the worst.

3) Watching TV is more boring than playing computer games. Reading a book is the most boring.

4) Going to the cinema is better than going shopping. Visiting a theme park is the best.

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