5. Translate and match the common interview questions with the suitable response from the list below:
1. Чому ви обрали саме нашу компанію?
2. Які ваші сильні й слабкі сторони
3. Як ваші друзі можуть вас охарактеризувати?
4. Яке ваше найвагоміше досягнення?
5. Наскільки добре ви працюєте в команді?
6. Ким/де ви бачите себе через 5 років?
A. People say I'm sociable, organized, and decisive.
B. My aim is to have a position in the Management Team.
C. I have excellent time management, but I can be impatient for results.
D. Because I think I will find the work environment both challenging and rewarding.
E. I always support my colleagues and believe we should work towards a common goal.
F. Leading the Institute football team to the regional Championships.
9. Use the words from the box to complete the description:

"Job requirements, candidate, job advertisement, experience, job vacancy, interview, job title, career prospects, personal details, covering letter, resume (CV), salary, short list, appointments, work¬ing conditions, qualifications"

The company usually advertises the j___ v___ in a newspaper. The j a usually gives the j t and I describes the j r. It sometimes gives the s and gives the description of the w c and c p as well.
The applicant then sends in a c l and a r or c v, which gives p d and lists q and e. The company then makes a s l of the most suitable candidates and invites them for an i. The company then chooses the best c and makes an a.

denic311 denic311    2   01.04.2020 09:10    12

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