5. Read the times. Draw the hands. Example: It's five o'clock - It's twelve It's three It's seven o'clock. It's five It's eight o'clock. o'clock. o'clock. o'clock. It's half past nine. past six. It's half It's half It's half It's half past one. past two. past four. 122

Высплюсенье Высплюсенье    3   11.03.2022 20:47    3

рома1254 рома1254  11.03.2022 20:50
нарисовать циферблаты со стрелками, указывающими данное время:
образец:5 часов.
It's twelve -12, It's three 3ч, It's seven-7ч.
It's eight - 8ч.
It's half past nine -дословно:это половина после девяти, или- половина десятого.
It's half past six - полов.седьмого,
It's half past one- половина второго
It's half past two - полов.третьего
It's half past four - половина пятого
