5. Read the recommendations on how to write the autobiography given below.
Writing Lab
The Autobiography
The autobiography is an explanatory piece designed to give background information on oneself.
The first thing you do when writing an autobiography is start off with a lot of facts about your life; for example, when and where you were born, where you live (city and state), where you go to school and who you live with. You have to give a lot of information so that your reader can clearly understand what is going on.
Why to write:
to give information to someone who will introduce you to someone else (to your host family, for speech, etc.);
to give your personal information to the educational establishment you’re going to study at;
as a part of a media kit.
How to write:
to develop a logical outline;
to write a commanding lead;
to flesh out your ideas;
to vary and simplify sentence structure and language;
to make sure there’s a logical flow and comprehensive coverage;
to check for consistency and tense;
to edit;
to proofread.
What to write about:
to open by identifying your name, title, and achievements;
to summarize your accomplishments, and activities;
to add human-interest details (computer skills etc).
6. You are going to the UK for two weeks in the summer to study at a language school. While you are there, you will be staying with an English family. Write your autobiography to help the school administration board find you the family you’d feel comfortable with.
a) Before you write, answer these questions.
1. Will your autobiography be formal or informal?
2. How many paragraphs will it consist of?
3. What are they going to be about?
4. What kind of information do you need to include about yourself?
b) Write notes for each paragraph. Think of the details and examples from your personal experience.
c) Write a paragraph plan.
d) Write your autobiography.
e) When you have written your autobiography, make sure that you have:
• used the correct language;
• used all important details (check with your notes);
• added examples from your life experience;
• at least have five paragraphs;
• have a conclusion.