5. maria has not made a full recovery, as her nose is runny and her voice is still hoarse/ dizzy. 6.i think i’ve developed an allergic reaction to something i ate; my skin is really sore/ itchy. 7. john was vomiting/irresistible all night. he must have a stomach bug 8. my nose is runny. i need to blow/wheeze it. 9. bill’s grandfather has just had a heart pain/ attack. 10. simon found himself faced with agonizing/ painful decision. 11. joe’s fingers were so excruciating/frostbitten so he was unable to move them. 12. yesterday my brother had a high temperature/infection, but today he’s got a slight one.

Adonis12321 Adonis12321    1   16.08.2019 16:30    8

isakdzhanova isakdzhanova  04.10.2020 23:07

5. Maria has not made a full recovery, as her nose is runny and her voice is still hoarse.  - Мария еще не выздоровела полностью, так как у нее насморк и все еще хриплый голос.

6. I think I’ve developed an allergic reaction to something I ate; my skin is really itchy.  - Думаю, у меня появилась аллергическая реакция на что-то, что я съел; моя кожа очень зудит.

7. John was vomiting all night. He must have a stomach bug . - Джон всю ночь страдал рвотой. Должно быть, у него расстройство желудка.

8. My nose is runny. I need to blow it.  - У меня насморк. Мне нужно высморкаться.

9. Bill’s grandfather has just had a heart attack.  - У дедушки Билли только что случился сердечный приступ.

10. Simon found himself faced with agonizing decision.  - Саймон оказался перед лицом мучительного выбора.

11. Joe’s fingers were so frostbitten so he was unable to move them.  - Джо так отморозил пальцы, что не мог ими пошевелить.

12. Yesterday my brother had a high temperature, but today he’s got a slight one. - Вчера у меня брата была высокая температура, но сегодня она не такая высокая.

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