- Английский язык
- 5. Look at the picture of a woman
5. Look at the picture of a woman in the Welsh national costume. Match the Russian and the English expressions and describe her. Pay attention
1. a long wool skirt
2. a nice bright shoulders
3. a white apron
4. a tall black hat with wide brims
1.белый фартук
2.красивая яркая шаль на плечах
3. высокая черная шляпа с широкими полями
4 длинная шерстяная юбка

1. a long wool skirt - 4. длинная шерстяная юбка
2. a nice bright shawl on the shoulders - 2. красивая яркая шаль на плечах
3. a white apron - 1. белый фартук
4 . a tall black hat with wide brims - 3. высокая черная шляпа с широкими полями
This is a picture of a woman in the Welsh national costume. There is a tall black hat with wide brims on her head.
She wears a long wool skirt with a white apron. Also she has a nice bright shawl on her shoulders.