5. Give some advice (3 sentences) and criticise Peter (3 sentences). Use should / ought to and correct forms of the Infinitive.

Peter is disappointed with his marks at school. He has problems with English. He is afraid of tests. Yesterday he skipped his English lesson because he hadn't done his homework. He didn't tell anyone where he was going. The teacher was worried and called his mother. His mother was surprised to hear about his school problems, for he had never told her about them.​

AgentRuba AgentRuba    1   24.05.2020 23:57    1

GlebRyabov GlebRyabov  06.08.2020 20:21




1)Make your homework in time, and everything is be ok.

2)Even if your didn`t make your homework, you musn`t skip lessons.

3)If you dont go to someone lesson, you should tell it to your teacher.


1)Peter make mistake when he skip lesson.

2) Peter`s parents and teacher very worried because he didnt say that he  skip lesson

3)Dont be lazy to do your homework.

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