5 Choose the correct words. Thousands of people visit Matmata in Tunisia every
year. It's one of the 'more / most popular places in
this country because it's got some of the stranger /
strangest and also some of the 'older / oldest
homes in the world. Visitors can stay in a small
underground hotel or in a larger / largest modern
hotel, which is Smore / most expensive but less
interesting. Why do so many
people come here? Well, look
at the photo more / most
carefully. Do you know it? They
made the film Star Wars here!
Your turn
6 Think about your
dream hotel room.
Make some notes.

дам лучший ответ​

5 Choose the correct words. Thousands of people visit Matmata in Tunisia everyyear. It's one of the

Ritochkа Ritochkа    3   20.11.2020 13:41    11

kirill885 kirill885  20.12.2020 13:41

Thousands of people visit Matmata in Tunisia every

year. It's one of the most popular places in

this country because it's got some of the

strangest and also some of the  oldest

homes in the world. Visitors can stay in a small

underground hotel or in a larger  modern

hotel, which is S more  expensive but less

interesting. Why do so many

people come here? Well, look

at the photo more

carefully. Do you know it? They

made the film Star Wars here!

Your turn

6 Think about your

dream hotel room.

Make some notes.


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