5 3 Follow the instructions and write an article (150-200 words) about young people and technology to your school magazine You should address the following issues. • Which three gadgets do most students find to be "coor? • What are the good and the bad sides of using technology in students daily lives? • How can technology change students lives in the future? You need to give your articla an attractive title TITLE You should start your article in an interesting way (address your readers ask them a direct question If you could choose what would you ask your parents for your next birthday? The three most popular . When you change the topic, start with a new paragraph. K Use an informal and lively style There are many good ) On the other hand, the bad sides Technology will play an important о In conclusion xx Finish your article with an interesting conclusion CHECKLIST Have you included all the required information? Is the layout appropriate? Re-read the article and check for mistakes (vocabulary grammar, spelling, punctuation). Count the number of words 4 Write an article (220-240 words) on one of the topics below My Mobile Phone - Love It or Hate It? • The Internet - Infinite Possibilities • People and Machines How I See the Future 136