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She was dressed in rich materials, all of white. Her shoes were white. She had a long white veil*
hanging from her hair, and she had bridal flowers in her hair, but her hair was white. She wore some
bright jewels on her neck and on her hands, and other jewels lay shining on the table. She had not quite
finished dressing, for she was wearing only one shoe - the other was on the table near her hand. Her veil
was only half arranged. Her watch was still lying next to the mirror, with her gloves and some flowers.
Then I began to see that all the things that should be white had been white long ago - they had lost
their shine and were faded and yellow. I saw that the bride in the bridal dress was withered* like the
flowers, and only her eyes were still bright. The dress had been put on the rounded figure of a young
woman but it now hung loose on a body that had shrunk to skin and bone.
Who is it?' said the lady at the table.
"Pip, ma'am.
I am Miss Havisham. Come nearer, boy. Let me look at you. Come close.'
It was when I stood near her, not wanting to look at her eyes, that I saw that her watch had stopped at
twenty to nine. A clock in the room had also stopped at twenty to nine.
'Look at me,' said Miss Havisham. You aren't afraid of a woman who has never seen the sun since you
were born?'
'No,' I answered, but it wasn't true.
"Do you know what I'm touching here?' she said, putting her hands, one on the other, on her left side.
'Yes, ma'am.'
'What am I touching?'
Your heart.'
She said the word with a weird smile that seemed almost proud. She kept her hands there for a little
while, and then slowly took them away as if they were heavy.
'Go into that room', she said, pointing at the door behind me with her withered hand, 'and wait there
untill come.'​

mikimays2003Sasha mikimays2003Sasha    2   15.01.2021 11:08    5

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