4a Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 1 When was our constitution adopted?
2 Who is the head of our state?
3 How many regions does Uzbekistan consist of?
4 What is the legislative branch of Uzbekistan? What chambers does it consist of?
5 How many members are there in the Legislative Chamber and how many in the Senate?
How are these members called in each chamber?

Yanas7 Yanas7    3   17.01.2021 15:43    5

Alexa1888 Alexa1888  16.02.2021 15:47
Our constitution was adopted on  December 8, 1992. According to the constitution, the president is the head of our state. Uzbekistan consists of 12 regions  and the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The Oliy Majlis is the legislative branch of Uzbekistan. It consists of two chambers: the legislative Chamber and the Senate.The legislative Chamber consists of one hundred and twenty deputies. The Senate is the chamber of territorial representation and consists of  members of the Senate.  Members of the Senate are elected in equal quantity - in six persons - from the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent by secret ballot. These members are called senators in each chamber. Sixteen members of the Senate are appointed by the President. They may be the most authoritative citizens with large practical experience and special merits in the sphere of science, art, literature, manufacture and other spheres of state and public activity.
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