49. Дополни предложения словами из рамкн. indecisive, mripotite, immoral, iinpatient, immobile, immature, incorrect, inactive,
indefinite, impossible, inattentive, inexpensive
1. People may think you are impolite if you forget to say "Thank you".
2. My friend always finds it difficult to make decisions. He is very...
3. Jimmy wasn't paying attention to his teacher. He was...

5. Rain delayed the game for an period.

6. Nick was too... to wait in line for the bus.
7. It's hard to excrcise after being for a week.

49. Дополни предложения словами из рамкн. indecisive, mripotite, immoral, iinpatient, immobile, imma

ulyanooo ulyanooo    2   19.10.2020 07:13    49

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