4. заполните пропуски частицей to перед инфинитивом там, где это необходимо. 1. we should allow them … come next week. 2. most people suppose him … be innocent. 3. i waited for my friend … get off a bus. 4. did anyone hear john … leave the house? 5. they made me … do it. 6. we can’t … let the matter … rest here. 7. he ordered the car … come at 5 p. m. 8. we all thought the plan … be wise. 9. these events caused him … leave the country. 10. we can’t … allow them … behave so badly. 11. you won’t have me … do that. 12. at last they got him … write a letter to his nurse. 13. don’t let him … drive so fast. 14. let us … be friends. 15. i would rather … speak to my dad. 16. i never saw you … look so well before. 17. what makes you … think so? 18. i felt this…be true. 19. i felt my heart … jump. 20. if one can’t … have what one loves, one must … love what one has.

vik5611 vik5611    1   13.06.2019 17:50    13

owl2006owl owl2006owl  10.07.2020 16:55
1. We should allow them TO come next week. 2. Most people
suppose him TO be innocent. 3. I waited for my friend TO get off a bus. 4. Did
anyone hear John leave the house? 5. They made me do it. 6. We can’t let the matter rest here. 7. He ordered the car TO come at 5 p. m. 8. We all
thought the plan TO be wise. 9. These events caused him TO leave the country. 10. We can’t allow them TO behave so badly. 11. You won’t have me TO do that. 12. At last they got him TO write a letter to his nurse. 13. Don’t let him drive so fast. 14. Let us be friends. 15. I would rather speak to my Dad. 16. I never saw you look so well before. 17. What makes you   think so? 18. I felt this to be true. 19. I felt my heart  jump. 20. If one can’t --- have what one loves, one must love what one has.
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