4 Write questions using be going to. Then match
the questions with the answers a-h.
How are they going to travel? g
1 what equipment / Lucy / take
2 be hot / there
3 you / take photos
4 what / you / do there
5 what / they / see
6 what / Tim / wear
7 they / go by train​

kotovad444 kotovad444    3   25.02.2021 15:06    4

ketmeow ketmeow  27.03.2021 15:13
1) what equipment Lucy’s going to take?
2) is there going to be hot?
3) are you going to take photos?
4) what are you going to do there?
5) what are they going to see?
6) what’s Tim going to wear?
7) are they going to go by train?