4. Выполни упражнение. Вставь слова was, were, wasn’t, weren’t

1. — the children at home yesterday morning?
— No, they . They at the zoo.

2. — Annie at school yesterday.
— Yes, I know. She sick.

3. — Where you last night, Mark?
— I at the cinema with Peter.

4. — you and Sophie at the mall yesterday morning?
— Yes. We in Jenny's clothes shop because there a sale on.

babedinova babedinova    3   06.05.2020 09:25    11

Hehehe225 Hehehe225  14.10.2020 08:02

1.- were

2.- wasn't

3.- was,was

4.- weren't,weren't,was


Старалась как могла

romanovegorka6 romanovegorka6  14.10.2020 08:02

1. — (( was)) the children at home yesterday morning?

— No, they ((weren’t.)). They ((were)) at the zoo.

2. — Annie  ((weren’t))  at school yesterday.

— Yes, I know. She ((was)) sick.

3. — Where ((was))  you last night, Mark?

— I ((was)) at the cinema with Peter.

4. —(( was))  you and Sophie at the mall yesterday morning?

— Yes. We ((were )) in Jenny's clothes shop because there((was ))a sale on.

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