4. read the text and mark the statements true (t), false (f),
not stated (ns).
amazon rainforest deforestation shows positive trends
while destruction of rainforests is causing concern (becnokoŭctbo) in
many parts of the world, nowhere is it worse than in the amazon. often
called the lungs of the planet the 1.2 billion acre rainforest produces
about 20% of the earth's oxygen and is therefore, not just crucial for its
own ecosystem, but also, for the survival of all living creatures, including
humans! fortunately, the deforestation is slowly starting to reverse
(поворачиваться в противоположном направлении).
as in many parts of the world, population growth had resulted in clearing
out large parts of the amazonia to make space for cattle ranches, mining,
agriculture. by 2003, about 20% of the amazon rainforest had been de-
stroyed and disappeared forever, taking along with it, numerous species
of plants, animals and insects. experts feared that if the pace (tem) con-
tinued, the amazon rainforest would be destroyed forever. something had
to be done and very soon!
fortunately, the authorities in brazil along with environmentalists took im-
mediate action and things began to change. in july 2011, the brazilian
government announced that deforestation had been reduced sharply
from the peak levels. the data received from satellite images showed that
from august 2011 to july 2012, there was a further reduction of 23%. both
the authorities and environmentalists hope that they will be able to
achieve their goal of zero deforestation by 2016!
the amazon rainforest gets its name from the 4,080-mile long amazon
river, the largest freshwater source on earth. not surprisingly, it is home
to a large variety of exotic plants and animals.
1. the amazon rainforests are important
for the world ecosystem.
2. the rainforests hold back the development of agriculture. ​

djonli1 djonli1    1   22.01.2020 20:42    602

1Polina2211 1Polina2211  23.01.2020 01:03
Correct answers are:
1 true
2 false
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