4 Read the news report and fill in the words. • arrested escape victims serving
• criminal reported
It's every family's worst nightmare to return home
to discover they have been the 1)
of a
burglary. That's what happened to a family in
Bosnia-Herzegovina, but they didn't find a
2) searching for money or attempting
to 3)
through a window. Instead,
they found a man sleeping on their couch! The
family quickly 4) the crime and
the police 5)
the man and took
him to the police station. The 21-year-old, named
Edin M, said that he decided to sit down on the
couch for a quick rest and didn't mean to fall
asleep. Now though, he has plenty of time to rest;
he's currently 6) a long sentence
in prison!

Iriska91l23 Iriska91l23    1   27.04.2021 22:30    32

Дари233 Дари233  14.01.2024 16:48
Семье из Боснии и Герцеговины случилась страшная ночная беда, когда, вернувшись домой, они обнаружили, что они стали жертвой взлома. Однако они не нашли вора, ищущего деньги или пытающегося сбежать через окно. Вместо этого они обнаружили спящего мужчину на своем диване! Семья быстро сообщила о преступлении, и полиция задержала мужчину и отвезла его в полицейский участок. 21-летний Эдин М признался, что решил просто сесть на диване и немного передохнуть, но не имел намерения уснуть. Однако сейчас у него есть время отдохнуть - он находится в настоящее время подлежит отбыванию долгого заключения в тюрьме.

1) victims - The family discovered that they were the victims of a burglary. "Victims" refers to the people who were harmed or affected by the burglary.

2) criminal - Instead of finding a burglar, they found a man sleeping on their couch. The word "criminal" here is indicated as the person who committed the crime.

3) escape - The family did not find the man searching for money or attempting to escape through a window. "Escape" suggests that the person was trying to get away from the scene of the crime.

4) reported - The family quickly reported the crime. "Reported" means that they informed the authorities about what had happened.

5) arrested - The police arrested the man and took him to the police station. "Arrested" means that the person was detained by the police for questioning and investigation.

6) serving - The 21-year-old man named Edin M is currently serving a long sentence in prison. "Serving" in this context refers to the person serving their time or punishment in prison.
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