4. прочитайте текст. выберите правильный ответ 1, 2, 3 или 4,лучше всего подходящий по смыслу. learning to make a perfect pizza according to the european pizza-makers’ association, making a good pizza is not a straightforward skill to learn. “in italy, 70 per cent of pizza makers could improve on their product, not to mention all the pizza makers around the world who serve uneatable meals”, says antonio primiceri, the association’s founder. he has now started a pizza school in an attempt to save the reputation of this traditional dish. as part of an 36 course, the students at mr primiceri’s school are taught to 37 common mistakes, produce a good basic mixture, add a tasty topping and cook the pizza properly. “test the finished pizza by breaking the crust”, advises mr. primiceri. “if the soft 38 inside the pizza is white, clean and dry, it’s a good pizza. if it is not like this, the pizza will upset your stomach. you will feel 39 full and also thirsty”. in italy alone, the pizza industry has an annual turnover of more than $12 billion. mr. primiceri 40 that there are 10,000 jobs in pizza restaurants waiting to be filled by those with real skill. “if you are a good pizza cook, you will never be without a job”, he says. 36. 1.extensive 2. extreme 3. intensive 4. international 37. 1.pass 2. escape 3. miss 4. avoid 38. 1.spot 2.part 3. side 4. slice 39. 1.hardly 2. tightly 3. uncomfortably 4. heavily 40. 1.computes 2. estimates 3. assesses 4. counts

LedyKoshka LedyKoshka    2   12.06.2019 17:00    2

tatyankafi tatyankafi  02.10.2020 00:40
36.1 37.4 38.2 39.3 40.2
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