Summative assessment for the cross curricular unit «Journey into spaces objectives: Understand the points of short simple texts on range 

general and some curricular topics by using contextual clues Assessment 

Identify the main points of short simple texts using context 

Reading Task 1 Read the text, Sam and Tom saw a strange spacecraft They went inside the spacecraft and flew into space. When they landed on Mars and saw an alien sportscompet tion. Sam and Tom went to the stadium. There were alien Olympics Tom and Sam decided to compete with the aliens. Tom became a runner and Sam became a swimmer. Tom and Samwon gold, and bronze medals for running and swimming The first Alien-Human Olympic Games were a big success Tom and Sam had a wonderful time on the planet. They got back into the spacecraft and blasted off, It took them eight hours to gethome. 

Circle 5 sentences relevant to the text. Thereare 3 EXTRAsentences (найди и обведи 5 предложений относящиеся к тексту))) 

1. Tom and Sam wentswimming. 

2. The spacecraft wasstrange. 

3. They toMercury. 

4. Tom and Sam took part in AllenOlympics. 

5. Tam and Sam wommedals. 6 They gotpresents 

7. The time on the planet wasfun. 

8. They flew backhome 


Writing. Complete the sentences. Planet Riddles 

1. I'm the planet that everyone calls "Red," But really my soil is rust-colored instead. Look up and you may spot me in the sky I'm the orange-colored dot, way up high. Which planet am I? 

2. With over 63 moons, you might say I have a lot Look with a telescope to see my big, red spot. The wind storiti, ing around High in the night sky is where i can be found. Which planet am i? 

3 I'm blue and green and a little brown. I'm a smal planet with life all around They call me the third rock from the sun. I don't have many moons - just one Which planet am i? 

4. No matter how hard you look, you'll never find me, 

Unless you have a telescope to help you see I was once called a planet, but not any more Now I'm just "Dwarf Planet, " but too important to ignore Which planet I? 

5 Look very close to the sun and you'll spot, A tiny, cratered planet that 5 very hot I have no moons but I orbit the sun very fast Can you guess my name at last? Which planet i? Super Teacher Worksheets - www. superteacherworksh 

6. I'm yellow and cloudy and super hot. Look low in the sky, I'm easy to spot. People call me the "Evening Star" From planet Earth, I'm not very far. Which planet am |? Named for the Roman god of the Sea, Look past Saturn and Uranus for me. I had a black spot that was a huge storm. Now all gone, but I'll still warm Which planet am I?

B. I'm a g ant gas planet out in space, There are bands or stripes all over my face When it comes to size, number two, I have bright nings. That's an easy due. Which planet am I?

A gas planet that's off in the distance Only recently they found my rings in existence. I'm blue and cold and far avray, People say I'm funny because i spin sideways Which planet am I?

asalymbekov asalymbekov    1   05.05.2021 08:50    1

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