4 Find the /e/ sound in the following sentences. Then listen and repeat.
1 We will soon arrive at our destination. 3 I like taking the bus.
2 Are we on Friday street already? 4 The metro station is near the bank.​

4 Find the /e/ sound in the following sentences. Then listen and repeat.1 We will soon arrive at our

tumenka140 tumenka140    3   13.05.2021 20:22    1

manokhaangel manokhaangel  12.06.2021 20:24
1. В слове destination буква “а” читается как |ei|
3. Taking, буква “a” снова же.
2. Friday, буквы “ay” создают звук |ei|
4. Station, буква “a” создаёт звук |ei|
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