4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of be and the -ing forms from exercise 3.
1. I am wearing a skirt.
2. We are doing
3. My mum
a cake in the kitchen.
4. Brenda
the Christmas tree.
5. Joe's at university. He
6. Jake and Judy
in the pool.
7. Tina
a shower.
8. The cat
by the fire.
9. They
10. Mark
in the park.​

точно2 точно2    1   11.03.2021 07:43    98

Blarow Blarow  10.04.2021 07:45

from exercise 3.

1. I am wearing a skirt.

2. We are doing


3. My mum is making

a cake in the kitchen.

4. Brenda is decorating

the Christmas tree.

5. Joe's at university. He is studying


6. Jake and Judy are swimming  

in the pool.

7. Tina is taking/having  

a shower.

8. The cat is sitting/lying

by the fire.

9. They are playing  


10. Mark is walking

in the park.​


senyaavdeev07 senyaavdeev07  25.01.2024 17:35
1. I am wearing a skirt. (Я ношу юбку.) - In this sentence, we use the present continuous tense "am wearing" to describe the action of wearing a skirt that is happening at the moment of speaking.

2. We are doing gymnastics. (Мы занимаемся гимнастикой.) - Here, we use the present continuous tense "are doing" to describe the action of doing gymnastics that is happening at the moment of speaking.

3. My mum is baking a cake in the kitchen. (Моя мама печет торт на кухне.) - In this sentence, we use the present continuous tense "is baking" to describe the action of baking a cake that is happening at the moment of speaking.

4. Brenda is decorating the Christmas tree. (Бренда украшает новогоднюю елку.) - Here, we use the present continuous tense "is decorating" to describe the action of decorating the Christmas tree that is happening at the moment of speaking.

5. Joe's at university. He is studying French. (Джо университете. Он изучает французский язык.) - In this sentence, we use the present continuous tense "is studying" to describe the action of studying French that is happening at the moment of speaking.

6. Jake and Judy are swimming in the pool. (Джейк и Джуди плавают в бассейне.) - Here, we use the present continuous tense "are swimming" to describe the action of swimming in the pool that is happening at the moment of speaking.

7. Tina is taking a shower. (Тина принимает душ.) - In this sentence, we use the present continuous tense "is taking" to describe the action of taking a shower that is happening at the moment of speaking.

8. The cat is sleeping by the fire. (Кот спит у огня.) - Here, we use the present continuous tense "is sleeping" to describe the action of sleeping by the fire that is happening at the moment of speaking.

9. They are playing chess. (Они играют в шахматы.) - In this sentence, we use the present continuous tense "are playing" to describe the action of playing chess that is happening at the moment of speaking.

10. Mark is playing in the park. (Марк играет в парке.) - Here, we use the present continuous tense "is playing" to describe the action of playing in the park that is happening at the moment of speaking.
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