4 Circle the correct alternatives in the text. arc
I live in a place called North Leyton. It's a quiet town. There
'a few / a little restaurants and cafés in the centre, but
there aren't any / much nightclubs. There aren't
a few / many shops in North Leyton, so most people go to
the shopping centre out of town. It's easy to get to because
there are a little / lots of buses.
There are lots of/ much good things about living in
a quiet town. There isn't some / much pollution. And
there's any / some beautiful scenery just outside the town.
At weekends, I spend a few / a lot of time riding my
mountain bike through the countryside.​

неточно1 неточно1    2   12.01.2021 23:13    25

nikcentennial nikcentennial  12.02.2021 01:04

few restaurants

much nightclubs

many shops

lots of buses

lots of good things

much pollution

some beautiful scenery

a lot of time

Gungame02 Gungame02  12.02.2021 01:04

1. a few

2. any

3. many

4. lots

5. lots of

6. much

7. some

8. a lot of

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