4.8. The following statements reflect different ways in which employers can treat their employees. Which of these statements do you find generally true?
1. Things, like good labour relations, good working conditions, good wages and benefits, and job security motivate workers.
2. A company’s corporate culture, with which all the staff can identify (for example being the best hotel or airline, or making the safest or most reliable product) is more likely to motivate workers than financial targets.
3. People often feel insecure at work and they need protection against the burden of responsibility.
4. Under the right conditions, most people will accept responsibility and want to realise their own potential.
5. Huge rise in pay will not motivate you for more than a few days.
6. Your colleague’s even bigger increase will demotivate you or cause you to be
7. Poor job performance leads to less job satisfaction, which leads to worse job
performance and even lower job satisfaction and so on.