3b Work in pairs. Write a review of the picture. 1) the genre (a still life, portrait, etc)
painted by
2) describe what you can see
in the centre/middle of the painting we can see a /In
the background there is/are /On the left/right/stands/
sits/lies ...
3) give some details
people (young/old, pretty/handsome, eyes, hair), what
they are doing (walking, looking at ...), place (garden,
park), the clothes (old-fashioned, dress, hat, colours), 'The Mo
what they feel (may be they ... /they look happy/tired ...) Thomas
4) give your opinion about the painting
Maybe .../l think .../
might be a symbol of ... /to my
mind, it is romantic/colourful/true to life/boring/picture. The atmo
is peaceful/depressing ... ! (don't) like the picture because ...​

0Pandohcka0 0Pandohcka0    3   09.03.2021 13:05    244

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