3aðanue 4. tocmaeume anazon 6 popmy present perfect unu past simple.1. i (to read) that book. 2. i (to read) that book last year. 3. my parents (to live) in irkutsk for twentyyears. 4. two years ago i (to return to irkutsk. 5. before our graduation we often (to meet) each other. 6,we (to spend) two weeks in moscow last year. 7. i never (to be) to london. 8. she (to be) in london lastsummer.9. my friends (to have) a good time at the party last night. 10. i to watch) an interestingprogramme on television last night. 11. i never (to travel) by air.​

vikakareva1 vikakareva1    2   22.04.2019 10:05    3

romandichii1 romandichii1  08.06.2020 05:20
readhave readhave been livingreturnedhave often metspenthave never beenwashadwatchedhave never traveled
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