39 . нужно составить к каждому предложению 2 вопроса и одно отрицание. 1.halen speaks french so well because she has lived in france. 2.she lived there last year. 3.mary has bought a new hat. 4.i bought a pair of gloves yesterday. 5.the weather has changed and we can go for a walk.

lolkek87 lolkek87    2   23.09.2019 14:30    1

sanka37rus sanka37rus  08.10.2020 12:31
1. Why does Helen speak French so well? Where does Helen live? Helen doesn't speak French so well.

2. When did she live there? Where did she live last year? She didn't live there last year.

3. What has bought Mary? Who has bought a new hat? Mary hasn't bought a new hat yesterday.

4. What did you buy yesterday? When did you buy pair of gloves? I didn't buy a pair of gloves yesterday.

5. Why we can go for a walk? Has the weather changed? The weather hasn't changed and we can't go for a walk.
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