прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами a-g, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1-8. используйте каждую цифру только один раз. в есть один лишний заголовок.
choosing the right place and time

take care of your documents

making reservations is easy

don`t worry, travel happy

when reservation is not needed

good touring sights strategies

one bag is enough

learn about your destination before you go

а. the world is always changing, and it`s necessary to travel with the most up-to-date information. guidebooks and travel websites can help you in getting started. tourism websites are a great place to begin planning your trip. many of the sites are packed with practical information, suggested routes, city guides, interactive maps, colourful photos, and free downloadable brochures describing walking tours and more. you don`t need to wait until you get to your travel destination to use their information.

b. don`t pack a lot of things. packing wisely is more important for your own good. you can`t travel heavy and happy. take this advice seriously. you`ll walk with your luggage more than you think you will. before your journey, give yourself a test. pack up completely and practice carrying your luggage. if you can`t, things out. when you don`t have to worry about your luggage getting lost, broken, or stolen.

c. for most tourists, visiting the world`s greatest attractions is the highlight of a trip. some people walk into major museums, churches, and ancient places of interest, stare for a few minutes, and then walk out. be a respectful visitor. with a little preparation and know-how, your sightseeing, might be more significant. you can`t possibly cover everything – so don`t try. first of all, don`t miss the masterpieces. if you have any energy left afterwards, you can explore other areas of specific interest to you.

d. if you decide to travel on your own, book tickets and accommodation beforehand. nowadays, almost every hotel has a website. just fill in a special form or send an email in simple english with your preferred dates, number and type of rooms, number of nights, date and time of arrival and departure. to stay away from mystification, be sure you use the hotel`s official site and not a booking agency`s site; otherwise, you may pay higher rates than you should.

e. your trip abroad won`t get off the ground if you don`t prepare your passport, a visa, and the tickets before you living date. keep an eye on your passport`s expiry date. if necessary, get your passport renewed before you go. a visa is a stamp placed in your passport, allowing you to enter the foreign country. if you need a visa, it`s best to get before you leave. it`s also smart to make photocopies of your passport and tickets. it`s easier to replace a lost or stolen passport and tickets if you have a photocopy.

g. some people can choose when to take their holidays, but many others have less choice. fortunately, all the countries welcome visitors 365 days a year. each season offers different adventures and experience. summer is great for travelling – except for the crowds and high temperatures. sunny weather and exciting nightlife turn popular travel destinations into a powerful magnet. but off-season is for you to enjoy popular sights in their glory with no crowd and more peaceful atmosphere.

Shkolnik12345678910 Shkolnik12345678910    2   15.12.2019 19:01    1027

арина256545 арина256545  19.01.2024 10:32
a. the world is always changing, and it's necessary to travel with the most up-to-date information. guidebooks and travel websites can help you in getting started. tourism websites are a great place to begin planning your trip. many of the sites are packed with practical information, suggested routes, city guides, interactive maps, colorful photos, and free downloadable brochures describing walking tours and more. you don't need to wait until you get to your travel destination to use their information.

In this text, the author explains the importance of having the most up-to-date information while traveling. They suggest using guidebooks and travel websites to gather practical information, such as suggested routes, city guides, interactive maps, and colorful photos. They also mention that you don't have to wait until you reach your destination to make use of this information.

Therefore, the appropriate title for this text is "Learn about your destination before you go."

b. don't pack a lot of things. packing wisely is more important for your own good. you can't travel heavy and happy. take this advice seriously. you'll walk with your luggage more than you think you will. before your journey, give yourself a test. pack up completely and practice carrying your luggage. if you can't, things out. when you don't have to worry about your luggage getting lost, broken, or stolen.

This text advises against packing a lot of things and emphasizes the importance of packing wisely. The author suggests practicing carrying your luggage before the journey to ensure you can handle it comfortably. They also mention the advantage of not having to worry about the risks of lost, broken, or stolen luggage.

Therefore, the appropriate title for this text is "One bag is enough."

c. for most tourists, visiting the world's greatest attractions is the highlight of a trip. some people walk into major museums, churches, and ancient places of interest, stare for a few minutes, and then walk out. be a respectful visitor. with a little preparation and know-how, your sightseeing might be more significant. you can't possibly cover everything – so don't try. first of all, don't miss the masterpieces. if you have any energy left afterward, you can explore other areas of specific interest to you.

This text discusses the approach to visiting popular tourist attractions. The author advises being a respectful visitor and suggests that with a little preparation, sightseeing can be more meaningful. They also mention that it is not possible to cover everything, so it's best to focus on the masterpieces and explore other areas of personal interest.

Therefore, the appropriate title for this text is "Good touring sights strategies."

d. if you decide to travel on your own, book tickets and accommodation beforehand. nowadays, almost every hotel has a website. just fill in a special form or send an email in simple English with your preferred dates, number and type of rooms, number of nights, date and time of arrival and departure. to stay away from mystification, be sure you use the hotel's official site and not a booking agency's site; otherwise, you may pay higher rates than you should.

This text provides advice on booking tickets and accommodation when traveling independently. The author suggests using the hotel's official website to fill in a special form or send an email with the necessary details to secure reservations. They also caution against using booking agency websites to avoid higher rates.

Therefore, the appropriate title for this text is "Making reservations is easy."

e. your trip abroad won't get off the ground if you don't prepare your passport, a visa, and the tickets before you leaving date. keep an eye on your passport's expiry date. if necessary, get your passport renewed before you go. a visa is a stamp placed in your passport, allowing you to enter the foreign country. if you need a visa, it's best to get before you leave. it's also smart to make photocopies of your passport and tickets. it's easier to replace a lost or stolen passport and tickets if you have a photocopy.

This text emphasizes the importance of preparing necessary documents, such as passport, visa, and tickets, before traveling abroad. The author advises keeping track of the passport's expiration date and suggests renewing it if necessary. They also recommend obtaining a visa before departure and making photocopies of the passport and tickets for easier replacement in case of loss or theft.

Therefore, the appropriate title for this text is "Take care of your documents."

g. some people can choose when to take their holidays, but many others have less choice. fortunately, all the countries welcome visitors 365 days a year. each season offers different adventures and experience. summer is great for traveling – except for the crowds and high temperatures. sunny weather and exciting nightlife turn popular travel destinations into a powerful magnet. but off-season is for you to enjoy popular sights in their glory with no crowd and more peaceful atmosphere.

This text discusses the different times for traveling and the advantages of each season. The author mentions that while some people have the luxury of choosing their holiday time, others have less flexibility. They highlight how different seasons offer varying adventures and experiences. They also mention the benefits of traveling in the summer, such as sunny weather and vibrant nightlife. However, they also suggest considering traveling during the off-season for a more peaceful atmosphere and the opportunity to enjoy popular sights without crowds.

Therefore, the appropriate title for this text is "Choosing the right place and time."

The text with no appropriate title is "When reservation is not needed."

Overall, by carefully reading and analyzing each text and considering their content and purpose, we can determine the appropriate titles for each. This comprehension exercise helps improve reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
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