35 напишите коротки топик по тесту the actors come to town и перед ним текст ( за ещё одной страницей писать в лс)(отто нельзя сдесь прикрепить 2 фотки)
Will married Anne Hathaway in November and she came to live in Henley ['henli] Street. Will was only eighteen. Susannah was born the next year. "Look, Toby, she's got my eyes," he said happily. "She's going to be as beautiful as the Queen of Egypt and as clever as King Solomon." "Oh yes!" I said. " I knew Will's wife Anne didn't like me. To her, I was one of Will's
Will married Anne Hathaway in November and she came to live in Henley ['henli] Street. Will was only eighteen. Susannah was born the next year. "Look, Toby, she's got my eyes," he said happily. "She's going to be as beautiful as the Queen of Egypt and as clever as King Solomon." "Oh yes!" I said. " I knew Will's wife Anne didn't like me. To her, I was one of Will's
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