30 translate the words in brackets using the necessary tense forms. write them down. 1) all volunteers (находятся под наблюдением/руководством) by a qualified nurse. 2) the grand prix (будет показан по телевизору) by the bbc. 3) (обещай) me you will not waste your time. 4) it was the tone of his voice that (удивил) me. 5) offensive scenes (были вырезаны) from the film. 6) the special cabinet committee (включает) mr brown, mr mandelson, and mr straw. 7) she (переоделась) herself as a man so she could fight on the battlefield.

амаикем амаикем    2   02.10.2019 10:02    4

Андрей22111111 Андрей22111111  09.10.2020 11:31

1) All volunteers are surveiled/directed by a qualified nurse. (наблюдение или руководство? Если что, пишите directed, surveiled мало кто знает)

2) The Grand Prix will be shown on TV by the BBC.

3) Promise me you will not waste your time.

4) It was the tone of his voice that surprised me.

5) Offensive scenes had been cut from the film.

6) The special cabinet committee includes Mr Brown, Mr Mandelson, and Mr Straw.

7) She dressed herself as a man so she could fight on the battlefield.

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