30. Переделяйте утвердительные предложения в отрицательные.

Переведите их на русский язык.

1) Jack plays the guitar very well.

2) You know the answer.

3) She works very hard.

31. Переделайте утвердительные предложения вопросительные. Переведите их на русский язык.

1) He lives in a big city.

2) Tom plays the piano.

3) They drink a lot of coffee.

32. Найдите предложение в Past Continuous.

1. The file was opened by the girl 2. The file is being opened by the girl

3. The file was being opened by the girl

4. The file has been opened by the girl

33. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам. 1. The director was opening the meeting at 7 in the morning.

34. Напишите предложения в Present Perfect.

1. My grandmother (to prepare) breakfast in the kitchen.

2. Students (to go) home.

35. Определите видовременную форму глаголов:

1. The girl met many interesting people at the party. 2. Students come to the English lessons twice a week.

3. We shall book tickets beforehand.

36.. ответьте на вопросы. Переведите вопросы и свои ответы на русский язык.

1) Do you do physical exercises every morning?

2) Do you like music?

3) Do you like reading?

anastasiamartyn anastasiamartyn    1   31.05.2023 07:27    67

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