30. Combine the given attributes (a) with the nouns (b); translate the new word com-

30. Combine the given attributes (a) with the nouns (b); translate the new word com- binations.

tcacencoanastap08j8v tcacencoanastap08j8v    1   07.09.2021 13:02    123

nikita404590 nikita404590  07.09.2021 13:10

different and facilities

mipad0302 mipad0302  19.01.2024 16:10
1. Red pen - красная ручка
To combine the attribute "red" with the noun "pen", we simply put them together to form the new word combination "red pen". The word combination refers to a pen that is red in color.

2. Big tree - большое дерево
Similarly, we combine the attribute "big" with the noun "tree" to form the new word combination "big tree". This refers to a tree that is large in size.

3. Delicious pizza - вкусная пицца
Here, we combine the attribute "delicious" with the noun "pizza" to create the new word combination "delicious pizza". This refers to a pizza that tastes very good.

4. Tall building - высокое здание
By combining the attribute "tall" with the noun "building", we get the word combination "tall building". This refers to a building that is of great height.

5. Small dog - маленькая собака
Combining the attribute "small" with the noun "dog" gives us the word combination "small dog". This refers to a dog that is little in size.

6. Beautiful flower - красивый цветок
Here, we combine the attribute "beautiful" with the noun "flower" to form the word combination "beautiful flower". This refers to a flower that is visually pleasing.

7. Green grass - зеленая трава
By combining the attribute "green" with the noun "grass", we get the word combination "green grass". This refers to grass that has a green color.

8. Old book - старая книга
Combining the attribute "old" with the noun "book" gives us the word combination "old book". This refers to a book that is not new, but rather has been around for a while.

9. Clean room - чистая комната
Here, we combine the attribute "clean" with the noun "room" to form the word combination "clean room". This refers to a room that is tidy and free of dirt or clutter.

10. Heavy suitcase - тяжелый чемодан
By combining the attribute "heavy" with the noun "suitcase", we get the word combination "heavy suitcase". This refers to a suitcase that weighs a lot when lifted.

It is important to note that when combining attributes with nouns to create word combinations, the attribute usually comes before the noun in English. Additionally, translating the new word combinations from English to another language requires understanding the meaning of both the attribute and the noun, and then combining them accordingly.
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