3 Write the meanings of these abbreviations.
1 eg
2 PS
3 ie
4 asap
5 NB
6 etc.

Вопросик3432 Вопросик3432    1   28.04.2020 15:32    33

deemetraa deemetraa  23.01.2024 17:38
1. eg - "eg" stands for "exempli gratia," which is Latin for "for example." It is used to introduce an example or a list of examples to further clarify a statement or concept. For example, "I have many hobbies, eg, painting, singing, and playing the piano."

2. PS - "PS" stands for "postscript," which is an additional note or message added after the main body of a letter or email. It is often used to include an afterthought, additional information, or a reminder. For example, "I hope you have a great day. PS: Don't forget to bring your homework tomorrow."

3. ie - "ie" stands for "id est," which is Latin for "that is" or "in other words." It is used to rephrase or clarify something that was mentioned previously. For example, "She only eats vegetarian food, ie, she doesn't eat any meat or fish."

4. asap - "asap" is an abbreviation for "as soon as possible." It is used to indicate urgency or to request immediate action. For example, "Please submit your assignment asap so that I can review it before the deadline."

5. NB - "NB" stands for "nota bene," which is Latin for "note well." It is used to draw attention to important information or to emphasize a point. For example, "NB: The test will be held in the gymnasium, not the classroom."

6. etc. - "etc." is an abbreviation for "et cetera," which is Latin for "and so on" or "and other things." It is used to imply that there are more examples or items that are not specifically listed. For example, "I enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, biking, swimming, etc." Here, "etc." indicates that there are more outdoor activities that could be included in the list.
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