3 Write questions in the past simple.
1 you/go/to a match / last week
Did you go to a match last week?
2 you / study / last night
3 you / speak English / five years ago
4 your friends / play football / last week
5 it/ rain / yesterday
6 your sister / have a shower / three hours ago​

Yana20056578910 Yana20056578910    3   09.04.2020 16:16    0

iwcukq iwcukq  13.10.2020 00:16

did you study last night

did speak English five years ago

did your friends play football last week

did it rain yesterday

did your sister have a shower three hours ago


FantomLord24 FantomLord24  13.10.2020 00:16

2 Did you study last night?

3 Did you speak English five years ago?

4 Did your friends play football last week?

5 Did it rain yesterday?

6 Did your sister have a shower three hours ago

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