3.употребите притяжательный падеж существительных. образец: the room of my friend. - my friend's room. 1. the questions of my son. 2. the toys of their children. 3. the wife of my brother. 4. the table of our teacher. 5. the life of animals. 6. the voice of this girl. 7. the new book of the pupils. 8. the letter of peter. 9. the houses of these people. 10. the friends of my parents. 11. the flat of my sister is large. 12. the children of my brother are at home. 13. the room of the boys is large.

Vitalyalol Vitalyalol    1   02.09.2019 17:10    1

edinorogserezha1 edinorogserezha1  10.08.2020 08:52
1my son's questions  2their children's toys  3my brother's wife  4our teacher's table  5the animals' life  6this girl's voice  7the pupils' new book  8Peter's letter  9these people's houses  10my parents' friends 11My sister's flat is large  12My brother's children are at home  13 The boys' room is large
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