3. Ten mice were caught by our cat in one day.
4. The girls will be taken to the cinema too by us.
5. When she returned,all the latters had been written by Mother.
6. The work had been done before they left.
7. The sun was covered by a thick dark cloud.
8. I have been often scoolded by my mother.
9. The kitten has been beaten by the boy again.​

195920 195920    1   06.02.2021 21:20    0

zemairen zemairen  08.03.2021 21:26

1. The narrow bridge was destroyed by the flood.

2. All the children were safely carried across the river.

3. Ten mice were caught by our cat in one day.

4. The girls will be taken to the cinema too by us.

5. When she returned,all the latters had been written by Mother.

6. The work had been done before they left.

7. The sun was covered by a thick dark cloud.

8. I have been often scoolded by my mother.

9. The kitten has been beaten by the boy again.​

Put into Active Voice

1. The flood destroyed the narrow bridge.

2. They safely carried all the children across the river.

3. Our cat caught ten mice in one day.

4. We shall take the girls to the cinema, too.

5. When she returned,  Mother had written all the letters.

6. They had done the work before they left.

7. A thick dark cloud covered the sun.

8. My mother has often scolded me.

9. The boy has beaten the kitten again.​

and translate it.

1. Наводнение разрушило этот узкий мост.

2. Они благополучно перевезли всех детей через реку.

3. Наш кот поймал десять мышей за один день.

4. Девочек мы тоже поведем в кино.

5. Когда она вернулась, мать уже написала все письма.

6. Они сделали свою работу перед отъездом.

7. Густая темная туча закрыла солнце.

8. Моя мать часто бранила меня.

9. Этот мальчик снова побил котенка.​

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