3. скажите, каким местоимением (he, she, it, her, they, them) можно заменить выделенные слова. образец: pete is a pupil. – he is a pupil. tom is a doctor. mary is in the garden. call the girl. the books are on the table. take the books. the scarves are red. the english text-book is in the bag. take the text-book.

Eugene1223 Eugene1223    3   14.09.2019 08:40    8

kalinka2002021oxuybb kalinka2002021oxuybb  07.10.2020 13:50
1. He is a doctor.
2. She is in the garden. 
3. They are on the table. 
4. They is are red.
5. It is in the bag. 
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