3 Read the text and choose the correct words. TeenTech gadget review: the Taewou T100 Smartphone
Taewou have just produced two new phones. TeenTech Magazine looked at 1all / both of them, but we think the T100 is the better model. It doesn’t take 2much / most time to get used to using the phone, and it’s got 3any / some great gadgets. The camera on the phone recognises your face, so criminals can’t use your phone. It also means that you don’t have to use a password 4every / all time you switch the phone on. It’s a great phone at a great price, but it doesn’t come with 5many / much good apps.

zhenya4546 zhenya4546    1   02.03.2021 15:51    3

dianka27091987 dianka27091987  02.03.2021 16:00

1. both

2. much

3.  some

4. every

5. many

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